I just got a moment to settle down and write a quick bit about the Charlotte Code Camp. It was a great experience despite the fact that I really only got to watch two presentations. Bill had a pretty cool presentation on speech server. Todd Fine (a Microsoft Regional Director) had a pretty cool presentation on Avalon. I have to say that every time I see this stuff I get very excited about the future of programming.
My presentation went over pretty well. I was hoping to have a larger crowd, but what do you expect when you are giving your presentation at the same time as Maxim Karpov , Doug Turnure, and Bill Ryan ? However, I was very surprised to see several evaluation forms with my code access security presentation picked as their favorite topic. Ibll be posting the presentation slides and source code on my blog here in a few days.
While Ibm thinking about it, if anyone is going to be in the Greenville, SC area on May 17th, we really need a GREAT turnout to the Microsoft MSDN event or we wonbt have Microsoft coming to town again. We need a turnout of 100 and we currently have just over 50 registered. We need about 130 registered to meet our goal and we only have a little over two weeks to do it! Please spread the word, we need attendance!